A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Dusk Wars Act 2 released by BTA in 2014 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.
You can download the current version of Dusk Wars here:
Two months after the victory over the Amritaya, we are back in duty on the BCa Eclaireur. After the Soci system is secured and the new fleet headquarter is completed. Because we were able to stop the Anshari offensive in Soci, we try to push them back to their own systems, our first task is to recapture Orion Proxima!
After the beginning of the mission, attack all fighters and try to keep your wingmates alive.
If you have the opportunity, attack the Annihilator sentry guns to grab some easy kills.
After you destroyed all enemy fighters, use your missles to disarm the Anshari corvette without big problems.
After the most of the turrets are destroyed, you can watch undisturbed the destruction of the enemy corvette.
But the real part of the mission is only begin to start.
The BCv Artemita will jump in and so also an Anshari bomber wing joins the party next to some fighter escort. Because the Anshari are very outnumbered in this situation, these should not be a problem for you and your wingmates.
The incoming Anshari cruiser is a different story... but before you encounter this ship, you should be have enough time to destroy at least the second fighter wing. You can leave the remaining bombers to your wingmates.
Now go to an approach vector to the enemy cruiser and target its main beam. Dogde some turret fire and kill it quickly, before it is able to attack the Artemita.
After you have destroyed the main beam, you have several options, if you are very good in this game, or play at a lower difficult setting, you can try to kill all Succubi of Vidya wing alone to give your bombers enough cover to bring down the enemy cruiser. But if you can not handle them, try to reach the Artemita instead and leave your bombers behind.
Return to the Artemita to help it against the still arriving bomber wings. Even if you were able to destroy the Succubi, a new wing will show up, this time it will likely attack you, so keep close to your allied corvette to use its flak and beam cannons for cover.
If your bombers did not survive until now, the Artemita will finally bring down the enemy cruiser with ease.
So your last task is to survive and to protect the corvette against all remaining enemy forces.
After all of them are down, the mission will end automatically.
Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa
Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to novachen@web.de.